
Getting Started with the Talisman Extension

Introduction to Talisman Extension

The Talisman Extension is a unique digital wallet designed for the Polkadot network. It stands out for its user-friendly interface and robust security features, making it an ideal choice for beginners in the cryptocurrency space, including members of the Lunes Community.

Installing and Setting Up Talisman

1. Access the Official Talisman Website:

- Visit https://www.talisman.xyz.

- Click on 'Download the Wallet' to be redirected to the Download.

2. Installation on Chrome:

- On the download page, select 'Use on Chrome' to begin the installation process of the Talisman Extension on your Chrome browser.

3. Completing the Installation:

- Follow the browser prompts to install the Talisman Extension.

- Once installed, click on the Talisman icon in your browser extension area to start the setup process.

4. Initial Setup:

- Click on 'Get Started' and create a strong, secure password for your wallet.

- Agree to the terms and conditions to proceed.

5. Importing Your Account:

- Select the 'Import' option.

- Choose 'Import Via Recovery Phrase' to import your Lunes account using the seed phrase.

- Select 'Polkadot' as the network.

6. Entering Account Details:

- Enter a name for your wallet in 'Choose a name'.

- Enter your 12 or 24-word recovery phrase in 'Enter your recovery phrase'.

- Once validated, click 'Import' to add your account to Talisman.

7. Network Configuration:

- Go to 'Settings'.

- Click on 'Networks and Tokens', then 'Manage Networks'.

- Select 'Polkadot' and click '+ Add Network'.

- Input the following details:

- RPC URL: `wss://ws.lunes.io`

- Network Name: `Lunes`

- Native Token Coingecko ID: `lunes`

- Click 'Add Network' to complete the setup.

8. Final Steps:

- The Lunes network should now appear in your network list.

- You can access and manage your Lunes assets on the Talisman main page.

Security and Best Practices

- Ensure that your recovery phrase is stored securely and never shared.

- Regularly update the Talisman Extension to benefit from the latest security features.

- Familiarize yourself with the wallet's interface and features to manage your assets effectively.

The Talisman Extension is a powerful tool for managing your Lunes assets, especially for those who are also interested in the Polkadot network. Its ease of use and strong security measures make it a top choice for newcomers in the cryptocurrency community. With Talisman set up, you're well-equipped to manage your digital assets across the Polkadot and Lunes networks.

Last updated